The Heart of San Marcos
Zoe Mendoza
The San Marcos River is the heart of the town. You see the dark blue tint and hues of green wild rice that fills the water. The sound of the quiet stream that flows down from beginning to end. You pass it going almost anywhere in the city, everyones been there at least once, and it's a place of stories and connection. People go for fun, to help the environment, to relieve stress after a long day. It's the kind of place that can create a multitude of memories and experiences for everyone who goes there. The San Marcos River leaves much to explore, physically and thoughtfully.
What would happen if people didn’t have access to public water spaces? This line of reasoning prompted the question why? As photographs were being taken alongside the river, the subjects were asked that exact question. It was refreshing to hear such different but similar answers. Ranging from Libby Beall and her pup Beau splashing around in the river, “During college I rescued a dog and just try to exert his energy and being outside is one of them and just like swimming- and I just feel like it's a nice way to get outside, especially when it's hot and makes me feel refreshed.” To others like Ashley Alvarado and her group of friends who use it for class activities, “I come because it like destresses me, also because the temperature is perfect, so good on my body since I’m a dance major. It helps relieve my soreness or any muscle aches that I have. And yeah, it's just very peaceful.” Libby and Ashley are just two examples of the way people take advantage of the open water source.
The people of San Marcos wouldn’t be the same without having access to the river. They wouldn't have the same freedom or chance to escape. They wouldn't have the ability to make new connections with the environment and the people in it. Yes, there are other places to do these things, but what makes San Marcos the town that it is, is the possibility to be somewhere that other places don't give you. Jessica, who decided to celebrate her birthday at the river is a great example, she illustrates that “It's something I've never had before.”
“It’s something he really enjoys, the water’s like crack to him.”
Brooke Shanklin,
Evelyne Rees-eissler,
and Sarah Stearns
Evelyne Rees-eissler,
and Sarah Stearns
“It’s a nice place to just exist.”
Ashley Alvarado and friends
“When I do come here, it’s a good time.”
Jessica and Zander
“Its sort of a getaway too, especially having it on a college campus.
It’s really good, just being able to walk here and spend the day. It’s sort of just nice and freeing.”
Julissa and Brianna
“It’s so peaceful and I love how people care about the river and try to keep it clean...
We were practicing standing on our paddleboards and we saw it [the bat] flying around. It plummeted on the side so we went to go help it.”
“It’s so peaceful and I love how people care about the river and try to keep it clean...
We were practicing standing on our paddleboards and we saw it [the bat] flying around. It plummeted on the side so we went to go help it.”
Amber and Jackson
Emily and Faith
“We’re helping the river by taking out invasive species.”
Justin Almaguer
“I come to the river to snorkel. First time finding an iPhone and I knew I was gonna find one eventually and I got one!”